At the shell prompt, type make. The drivers will build themselves. If there are any problems making the drivers, open up the Makefile and check the kernel version settings on the first few lines.
Now open up the wlanup file.
Uncomment line 5 (remove the #) and change the SSID to the SSID of your network.
Uncomment line 8 and set the ssid2scan to your network's SSID. Uncomment line 9 and set the networktype to infra (unless you really are using adhoc). Save your changes.
Now eject the card
cardctl eject |
From the directory where you unpacked the drivers, type
insmod -f rtl8180_24x.o |
You will get a warning - ignore it.
Now run the wlanup script found in the driver package. Your card should now appear when you type ifconfig. You should configure your IP address at this point. If you use DHCP, just type "dhcpd wlan0". Try pinging You should get replies back. If so, your card is working!
Now copy rtl8180_24x.o to /lib/modules/YOURKERNELNAME, where YORUKERNELNAME is the name of the directory in /lib/modules.
Then copy the wlanup and wlandown scripts to /sbin.