星期四, 4月 29, 2004

MF test : SxR00 alarm appears again.. and...many others

TEST 2.3pr (4/2) on MxS system. all the SxR sftwr version is new. but the serial number is old.
when turnning some SxR off (by front SW), wait a moment (1min).
CxU show SxR0 alarm in ALARM page....

found : SYSCFG--Series/Board setting, use AC Board should be 0, but not set to 0.

LVDS 2 no operation.
When AC off, adjust virtual battery to 47V, LVDS 1 is open. oK. but LVDS2 no work,

found ? LVDSOPEN but no LVDS alarm. - guess must be the wiring problem..

SxR ACL alarm not recover: when turning AC off, all SxR show 3 messages: ACL, DCOFF, COMMERR.
but when AC on again, some SxR still remains the ACL alarm, but some are correct
(TEST SxR: 1~6, the 1,5,6 is ok.)

found ? --------- not yet -------
