星期六, 12月 03, 2005

Linux的eMule : aMule

從eMule網站上推薦的,support unix-like platform。提供source,可以從source build。但是不支倒是不是GPLed。

Debian Install 看這一篇Wiki : http://www.amule.org/wiki/index.php/HowTo_Compile_In_Debian

在 /etc/apt/sources.list中加入這一個feed:
deb http://amule-debian.dyndns.org/ debian/
#apt-get update
#apt-get install amule
大概要download 30M。
然後就看這一篇: getting start http://www.amule.org/wiki/index.php/Getting_Started

這 一篇是command line的方法,和當作daemon的用法:http: //www.amule.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ_aMule#Can_I_manage_aMule_remotely_through_telnet_in_the_same_way_I_do_with_eDonkey?
這個version好像一定要有graphic介面,沒有daemon mode。
所以只好去download latest version : 2.0.3,build from source
想要不使用X 執行amule的話
Is there any way to start aMule with no graphical interface?

Yes. Since aMule 2.0.0-rc6, you can use aMule Daemon, which can be executed on the command line by typing amuled. To control it, use either aMuleWeb, aMuleCMD or any other such application for remotely controlling aMule.
這個說明使用2.0.0-rc6 以上的版本,是可以用command line daemon的方式執行,但是沒有說明build的時候可不可以不要用到wxBase。

Wiki中有 build amuled without X,但是又Link回 build amule 那一頁。

* Download aMule 2.0.3 or higher from http://www.amule.org/files/files.php?cat=19

Don't use version 2.0.0-rc8, there was a severe bug in it concerning aMuled!

Unpack it, and do as user

* ./configure --enable-amulecmd --enable-webserver --disable-monolithic --enable-amule-daemon
* make

as root

* make install

That's it. You now have a working aMule-daemon in /usr/local/bin
Now you need to configure it. To create the ~/.aMule/amule.conf file, which is the preferences file, run aMuled once.
The ~/.aMule directory and the ~/.aMule/amule.conf file will be created in the home directory of the user that ran aMuled.
但是Step1 還是要download wxWidge.....

