星期日, 7月 16, 2006

find source site with netselect-apt

netselect-apt testing
可以是stable, testing.

我執行, stable的結果是:
# the main Debian packages.
deb http://ftp.tiscali.be/pub/debian/ stable main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most packages.
# deb-src http://ftp.tiscali.be/pub/debian/ stable main contrib

# the non-US Debian packages.
deb http://debian.nctu.edu.tw/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most non-US packages
# deb-src http://debian.nctu.edu.tw/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib

# the main Debian packages.
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ testing main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most packages.
# deb-src http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ testing main contrib

# the non-US Debian packages.
deb http://linux.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/debian-non-US/ testing/non-US main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most non-US packages
# deb-src http://linux.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/debian-non-US/ testing/non-US main contrib

# the main Debian packages.
deb http://mirror.pacific.net.au/debian/ unstable main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most packages.
# deb-src http://mirror.pacific.net.au/debian/ unstable main contrib

# the non-US Debian packages.
deb http://ftp.tku.edu.tw/OS/Linux/distributions/debian/non-US/ unstable/non-US main contrib
# Uncomment the deb-src line if you want 'apt-get source'
# to work with most non-US packages
# deb-src http://ftp.tku.edu.tw/OS/Linux/distributions/debian/non-US/ unstable/non-US main contrib

奇怪,很少台灣的feed site...

moto網站建議把這幾個source list file save在 /etc/apt中,真正的source.list用link 指定到其中之一,比較方便。

netselect-apt會根據apt 設定,所以如果apt有設定proxy,netselect-apt也會經過proxy

