使用XP Embedded 和Linux最大的差異是: 內容隱晦不明,工具東缺西缺。
像要將3rd party driver安裝進入target image,竟然要分析安裝的步驟。
因為 3rd party 可能為了方便使用者,或是怕被發現他的application是用VB寫的,通常會用一些花錢買的install wrapper包起來,變成一個Setup.exe。
讓你只能行那個Setup.exe,同時祈禱希望他不會惡搞你的registry, ini。(像在install file中發現ctor.dll這個被列為spyware的dll是怎樣...)
XP E的 component editor,是將driver, application包裝成component的工具,利用這個工具,才能管理你的target image,否則,開發XPE的動作就會變成"安裝XP"一樣的無聊沒知識。
但是 component editor在包裝driver時,又只懂得 inf檔。又沒又說明 component designer是怎麼動的(一切都是menu. button..按來按去)。
怎麼辦? 找 driver 廠商提供另一個格式的安裝檔?
這時就需要一個tool,幫忙 "監視" driver的安裝動作,然後看看能不能自己寫個inf。讓component editor轉成component.
這就是一個 -- "費心隱藏起來 再費心打開來" 的例子。
浪費的都是engineer的生命,這些沒營養的東西 - engineer 費心的把installation process包裝隱藏,tool programmer費心的寫一個installation monitor工具。 embedded engineer費心的去找到這些東西...
像Linux就不會,即使沒有提供source, Makefile 讓user install from source,所提供的安裝動作都是script file,哪些file會裝到哪裡,清清楚楚,即使有以.o release的module,也會清楚的列出。drive就是driver,不用費心再搞一些無關的躲貓貓...
扯了這麼多。其實要說的是,因為這樣,msdn有一頁,專門說一些building XP embedded需要的一些tools,在 http://www.microsoft.com/china/MSDN/library/Mobility/embedded/WXdnxpesplxpe3rdparty.mspx?mfr=true
有志浪費生命的工程師,可以去看看.... (我就有去看 Q_Q )
星期二, 7月 25, 2006
張貼留言 (Atom)
- Windows2003 遠端桌面連線
- Flac - encoding
- 糟糕...亂搞的結果...
- try .. blogspace 中文?
- reseal - Part II
- ToDo List..
- 使用NTLDR boot DOS
- ghost 2003 seems using xpe..
- complain - about tool's version and ghost...
- Cloning XPE Image - Reseal
- TUX magazine is going be be Not-free
- google maps, Wikipedia - about this WWIII
- EWF : Enhance Write Filter - what XPE differ from XP
- Some Helping Utility for building XP Embedded
- XPE : Minlogon - login automatically with system user
- Research,, and waiting to be bought..
- C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4
- 颱風 - 凱米
- wavpack : hybrid
- 這個布丁也好吃的
- 默默..
- 蠻好喝的健酪 藍莓
- XP Boot Process
- Need Some Space for EWF
- TAP.EXE : different result in differnet environment
- why Reiser4 is not in the kernel
- DirectX 2006/6 download path
- keroro mp3 player
- 愚蠢! 原來是Power的問題
- Site Memo : chroot.org : Taiwan Hacker's org
- fotocom cd 350 - usb hd box - sucks
- C3VCM6 - VIA C3/C7 mini-ATX
- 使特林引擎,3500 NT -- 真想買
- turn on ATX Power without using Mainboard.
- 不要在註冊時留下任何個人資料..
- Skype Protocol has been cracked
- keroro - 全員敬禮..
- billing machine run Windows
- find source site with netselect-apt
- retrieve another character encoding archieve
- delete unqualified named folder in Windows
- Full Read-Write Linux NTFS Driver : OpenSource
- some problem about QCOM
- more .. about Marketing..
- boot CE on VMWARE via SBOOT
- Virtual Floppy Disk : VFD - Opensource software
- bootloader for CE x86 platform
- Debian Sarge Testing.. support VMWARE share USB
- CE 5.0 Platform Builder - some idea...
- Something about platform builder : build process
- CE Platform Builder Installation
- 不好吃 : 辣白菜拉麵
- Porting FlashPlyer to Linux : a real hard thing.
- How do that know the real marketsize ?
- X protocol - begin
- 北韓如何挽回經濟,賺取外匯?
- devfs is gone
- Success - Shutdown Windows, in C++ with ExitWindowsEx
- More on Shutdown
- .NET and COM : Interoperability
- More about Interop in Managed , Unmanaged C++
- Shutdown Windows in VC++ 2003 with CLR
- ^ and gcnew : not MS specific, a New C++ standard
- some googling about anubis gates
- SerialPort Class in .NET Framework - finally
- Visual C++ Express
- VC Express and Platform SDK
- ffmpeg : probe - mpegts
- Visual Studio Express - installtion
- The Anubis Gates (捏他)